
[GET] Content Rocket - Free Download

Content Rocket: Content Generation For Results-Driven Marketers

Content Rocket Future

  1. AutoPilot (New!): We’ve added an Autopilot feature that helps you to save keywords and thereby the tool will automatically add videos from YouTube in a specific time interval and will keep monitoring new videos added for those keywords. Next level of blog automation is here for you!
  2. Keyword search & manual URL entry: Locate the popular videos based on keywords of your niche and select them to extract content. Stumbled on a good video relevant to your niche on Youtube with subtitles?  Copy the URL and enter it manually in content Rocket to extract the content and add it as a post in your blog
  3. Unlimited video search & content: You may search for unlimited number of videos and the previous version limitation of 50 videos per search has been tweaked now to show unlimited number of video results. Select up to 50 videos from the search results per process and enjoy the content flow to your blog irrespective of the length of the video
  4. Create content in over 80 Languages: Create local blogs using local language for a better user experience. This helps in fast ranking and quick traffic build up. 
  5. Top SEO factors covered: We understand that majority of our customers pay attention on top SEO factors. We’ve added the following nifty features:
  • Auto embed YouTube video – Web pages with videos are loved by Google. By embedding YouTube videos on posts, we’ve seen a decent impact in terms of getting the pages indexed faster.
  • Drip feed – Publish posts in a specific time interval to ensure the search engines regularly visit your website for indexing. This ensures your website appears to be consistent in churning out content
  • Custom categories – Well categorized content ensures your webpages are indexed properly in the relevant target niche
  • Post featured image –  Similar to embedding video, posts with featured image tend to improve user experience and in turn entice the search engines. YouTube video thumbnail is automatically added as featured image so that you don’t have to do it manually
  • Automatic blog title – Adding a great title helps to increase click through rate in SERPS. Most of the YouTube videos have great titles to attract views. Content Rocket automatically grabs these titles and add them as post title, thus saving you time and effort


[GET] Content Rocket - Free Download [GET] Content Rocket - Free Download Reviewed by Unknown on 15:18 Rating: 5

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